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Little interactions

In light of what is going on in the UK recently I thought I'd post something about little interactions that always put a smile on my face. 

From a smile on the tube (shock horror) to great customer service. 

I was in starbucks a few days ago and asked for a pumpkin spice hot chocolate, and had such a sweet exchange with the Barista! 

Something as small as asking eachother how are days were, to being asked exactly how I wanted my drink made to the smile at the end as my drink was handed to me. 

Or the time I was in Carnaby street and saw the sweetest, but most stubborn sausage dog and his owner walking along. The dog sat down and wouldnt move. I had to watch and laugh. His human caught my eye and we both just laughed at her stubborn puppy. 

Have you noticed when you smile at a dog, their owner will always beam at you? 

What about care packages? I love getting them. But its so much fun sending them. Knowing the recipient is going to love the time you spent buying things for them. Imagine how happy you would be getting one? 

Its so easy to do something small, like buying someone a coffee to even just having a chat to the person who is making your coffee. 

A small interaction with people around you, like a smile, or even a small act of kindness goes a long way!

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